Ninja Gaiden Sigma - PS3

by Steven Williamson on 21 May 2007, 11:08

Tags: Ninja Gaiden Sigma - PS3, Tecmo, Beat 'em up

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HEXUS Forums :: 3 Comments

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That looks pretty much identical to NG on the xbox, but with higher detail graphics. Is there really any point in a remake? It's not that old, and NG wasn't really that good a game anyway, well, it was good, but it was stupidly hard.
Loved Ninja Gaiden on the xbox (Ninja dog all the way!), definitely one of the most challenging action games I've seen since the original defender stand up!

Don't see the point in rejigging it like this. I wouldn't pay just for a refresh and tarting of the visuals. Hope the extra content is really worth it.
If I were to get a PS3, this would be one of the reasons why. I'm an owner of the original on Xbox, and I think they've added enough new content to make a this game a worthwhile purchase (I loved the original).
It does look rather tasty, it has to be said!