QOTW: Will you be buying Google's Nexus 7 tablet?

by Parm Mann on 29 June 2012, 16:45

Tags: Google (NASDAQ:GOOG)

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qabizj

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Still have your doubts about the usefulness of a tablet computer? Say what you will about the iPad, but Apple's done something that nobody else seemed capable of; it made many of us believe that we need a tablet.

We're still not entirely sold on the idea - our tablets tend to give us lots of fun with little productivity - but we want to know what you think and there are plenty of good reasons to revisit the topic; Apple's iPad is better than ever, Microsoft's gearing up to have its say with Surface, and Google has this week kick-started the Android proposition with its own Nexus 7.

Priced from a tantalising £159, the Nexus 7 is the world's first quad-core 7in tablet and will arrive in stores next month armed with Google's latest mobile operating system, Android Jelly Bean.

An intriguing proposition for anyone sat on the tablet fence, and it sets us up just right for this week's Question of the Week: will you be buying Google's Nexus 7 tablet? Let us know in the comments below.

HEXUS Forums :: 68 Comments

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Yes I will. Same time last year there was only a choice of Archos and Lenovo but both were with huge flaws and outdated hardware/software. Google for software + ASUS for HW seems a pretty decent mix if you ask me. And the price is right.
Yup getting the 8gig one to have a good play, it will be going to my gran as the magic “I can see my grandson when he is on the other side of the world thanks to the neighbours wifi” device.
IF it had a microSD card slot, I would be VERY tempted to get one. Unfortunately, without this, even at £159, it's a deal-breaker for me.

I wouldn't touch Apple with a barge-pole since I've had no end of trouble with 2 macbook pros and 2 mac pros at work, they just seem slow, expensive and completely unreliable, although some of their innovations are definitely positive for the market as a whole (even if their legal team is not…).
I already have a Playbook and an iPad in addition to my desktops and laptops, and my Samsung GS2, so I really have no need… but it does look nice and it is likely to rank highly on my list of recommended gadgets for others
it looks like a decent effort but shame no microsd slot, if they did a 10" version with an expansion slot for <£200 id consider it :P. Im personally waiting for MS surface just to see what the w8 sector looks at the end of this year, im in no rush at all!.