Sony to open an Xperia Aquatech underwater store in Dubai

by Mark Tyson on 28 October 2014, 11:35

Tags: Sony (NYSE:SNE), PC

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A recent report suggests that Sony is readying to launch its first underwater "Xperia Aquatech" store in Dubai, on 3rd December 2014. Why an underwater store? Well, the company plans to showcase its water-resistant Xperia lineup in the submerged store.

We have seen the Japanese electronics giant come up with clever ways of selling their products previously. A great example of this, highlighted by UberGizmo, is selling its waterproof MP3 players inside water bottles purchased via a vending machine. Besides that being a clever promotional hook, it also showcased the waterproof feature of the product. It seems that this is a parallel to what Sony is trying with its new Dubai store.

Those who wish to visit the new Xperia Aquatech store, located on the seabed four metres below the surface, will be escorted by trained divers (and hopefully trained shop assistants) to browse Sony's water resistant Xperia offerings and accessories. Visitors will "be able to stand on the seabed and breathe perfectly normally," we are told. However Sony failed to mention any further details about the location of the store or whether it is going to be a permanent or temporary store.

"We promised 2014 would be a year marked by a bigger, better and bolder Sony approach to both our products and the way we present them," said Rüediger Odenbach, vice president of Sony Mobile Middle East and Africa. "Currently, Sony Mobile offers its consumers a wide range of Xperia smartphones, tablets, and accessories with the highest waterproof rating, and today we have taken the bold step of creating The World’s First Xperia Aquatech Store, which will offer a number of our customers and guests an exhilarating and unforgettable experience, once again highlighting Xperia’s passion for innovation in the smartphone market."

We are sure Sony's latest flagship Xperia Z3 and Xperia Z3 Compact smartphones will be on show at the new store, with the marketing for the new handsets already focusing heavily on the ability for consumers to submerge them. The Aquatech store is set to welcome a select group of press and VIP consumers at its initial opening, whilst a competition is also being held prior to the launch, giving customers a change to win access and take a dip in the Dubai waters.

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