Majority of high-end smartphones to have Qualcomm inside in 2016

by Mark Tyson on 18 December 2015, 11:31

Tags: Qualcomm (NASDAQ:QCOM), Samsung (005935.KS)

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HEXUS news has followed the development of the Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 closely. It could be said that Qualcomm had a bit of a crisis with its previous flagship processor, the Snapdragon 810, with various media reports and customer feedback concerning its overheating and/or significant thermal throttling. However the new Snapdragon 820 brings many advancements such as "ultra-fast performance, leading connectivity, strong security, and long battery life". Qualcomm's upcoming flagship processor will be manufactured using Samsung's 14nm FinFET LPP (Low Power Plus) technology.

It's been just over a month since the new SoC was launched and now we are hearing that Qualcomm will "land a majority of chip orders for high-end Android phones in 2016". Industry sources speaking to Taiwan's DigiTimes say that Samsung Electronics, HTC, Sony Mobile Communications, LG Electronics, Xiaomi Technology and others have all decided to design high-end Android smartphones based around the Snapdragon 820. It is noted that the Snapdragon 820 has won design-in in more than 70 models of smartphones and tablets destined to be released in Q1 2016 and shortly after.

As explanation of the groundswell of adoption it is reported that clients have new confidence in Qualcomm as the Snapdragon 820 "has addressed the overheating issue of the predecessor the Snapdragon 810, while also further improving the performance and battery life".

Earlier this week Qualcomm decided not to split its IP and chipmaking divisions. Perhaps the good news of dominating the non-Apple high-end devices landscape in 2016 made a difference in that decision.

In other recent Qualcomm news the firm has decided to rename the Snapdragon 620 and 618 processors as the Snapdragon 652 and 650, respectively. This new naming scheme makes it clearer that there are "significant modem, processing, graphics, and camera advantages" on offer, compared to other 600 series processors such as the 615, 616 and 617.

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And the majority of high-end smartphones in 2015 and 2014 had what inside?
Competition is good, this is a bad news for intel, many are replacing PC/MAC with smart tablets and phones. ANDROID is a game changer.
Competition is good, this is a bad news for intel, many are replacing PC/MAC with smart tablets and phones. ANDROID is a game changer.

More supplementing than replacing I think.

I don't know anyone who has given up a desktop or laptop for a tablet or phone, they have them as well.
Competition is good, this is a bad news for intel, many are replacing PC/MAC with smart tablets and phones. ANDROID is a game changer.

More supplementing than replacing I think.

I don't know anyone who has given up a desktop or laptop for a tablet or phone, they have them as well.
A few years ago someone would buy a PC/MAC for internet connectivity, gaming and office tasks but since mobile phones and tablets got faster many are opting for the tablet option because they are simply light to carry yet powerful engough like a celeron powered 15inch laptop. I have many friends who got tired of laptops/desktops nowadays I just see tablets, very light but inside there is a beefy Qualcomm CPU. Intel has tried the best to enter the smart phone division but I have seen very few of them just because they are late in the game! still shocked? Qualcomm and ARM are entering the server market.
A few years ago someone would buy a PC/MAC for internet connectivity, gaming and office tasks but since mobile phones and tablets got faster many are opting for the tablet option because they are simply light to carry yet powerful engough like a celeron powered 15inch laptop. I have many friends who got tired of laptops/desktops nowadays I just see tablets, very light but inside there is a beefy Qualcomm CPU. Intel has tried the best to enter the smart phone division but I have seen very few of them just because they are late in the game! still shocked? Qualcomm and ARM are entering the server market.

Of those tasks, light internet connectivity (browsing) is all tablets are really good at though. Intel suck in tablets though, unless you live somewhere cold so the heat is useful and you don't care much about battery life.

ARM *would like* to enter the server market, so far they aren't doing all that well. That may change with the next generation though, a bunch of A72 cores is very useful.