Windows 10 free updates end at 10.59am on Saturday (UK time)

by Mark Tyson on 29 July 2016, 10:31

Tags: Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT), Windows 10

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Microsoft's deadline for the end of free updates to Windows 10 is looming. The corporation has been advertising the date of 29th July for the end of the free update program for quite a while, however the free updates window bleeds a little into Saturday. According to Wired magazine your last chance to snag the free update will be at 5:59am EDT / 2:59am PDT on Saturday morning – that's 10.59am on Saturday in UK time. After that time you will have to fork out hard earned cash to upgrade or buy a copy of Windows 10.

A few hours ago Microsoft pushed out what may be its final Tweet spurring users to upgrade for free. It simply said "Same Start menu. Same programs. Best Windows. Free upgrade offer ends July 29". It referred to the new OS as "The best Windows ever" in an animated GIF.

If you are running Windows 7 or Windows 8.1, and are on the fence about whether to jump to Windows 10 or not, there's one important thing to remember – you can upgrade to Windows 10, then go back to your favoured older OS if it doesn't suit you. Furthermore, once you have gone through the installation of Windows 10 and it is activated and associated with that machine you will have gained a Digital Entitlement for your PC system. In effect you will have reserved a copy of Windows 10 to upgrade to later if you feel like it.

The problem with the above is that it takes quite a bit of your valuable time to backup, change OS, re-install your programs/apps etc. However, if on the upgrading fence, at least you know you can go back and forth after the headlined deadline. Perhaps all the new stuff in the Windows Anniversary Update will appeal – but you won't know until you can try it out in early August. However there are already reports of some things that sound a bit forced – like a compulsory Cortana.

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“Same Start menu. Same programs.”, compared to what exactly? Definitely not Windows 7 or Windows 8.1.
The casual user cares not for the start menu no matter what it looks like. As soon as you put the shortcuts on the bottom bar hardly any of them will delve into the start menu.
Does it have to be installed and activated by that date? I'm going to use the media creation tool, but not sure if the deadline relates to the the acceptance of the upgrade or the install/activate part.
Does it have to be installed and activated by that date? I'm going to use the media creation tool, but not sure if the deadline relates to the the acceptance of the upgrade or the install/activate part.

I would have thought it would be the upgrade of the license, it's the only point at which license acceptance can happen.
I would have thought it would be the upgrade of the license, it's the only point at which license acceptance can happen.

Thanks I downloaded an ISO this morning, but will prob get it installed onto USB tonight and then do a clean install, or at least do a quick and dirty inplace until I can do a nice clean install.