Google+ guide for beginners – 10 tips to get you started

by Steven Williamson on 14 October 2011, 11:16

Tags: Google (NASDAQ:GOOG)

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Finishing off the job

7. Flesh out your profile
If you want to make friends, people will want to know all about you. If you want to fascinate people let them know what you’re all about.

Click on the “Profile” tab at the top of the Home page and edit away. You can write an intro, tell people about the places you’ve worked, what your interests are and where you’ve lived.

If you’re feeling particular frivolous you can also add pictures and videos. Oooh…check you out.


8. Stand back, incoming friends!
Down the left-hand side of the Home page, under the stream section, you’ll see a tab named “Incoming.” This is essentially a junk folder, which may be full of spam, but could contain lots of interesting stuff.

This will show content from people who are not following you, but have decided to share something with you – perhaps based on your own posts or interests.

Click on this tab and you’ll see the spam. Filter through it for something you like and go and make a new friend or stalk them!


9. Activate Your Email
If you want people to get in touch in more ways you can activate your email account. Click on “Profile” and then “Edit Profile.” Underneath the area that shows your picture, or a blank square if you haven’t added one, you’ll see the option to send an email.

Tick the box to allow people to email you. You can let certain circles contact you rather than everyone, so choose your preference.


10. Colour Google+ with photos
A photo tells a story. Brighten your status updates with relevant photos to gain more interest and impact. Click on the “Photos” tab at the top of the Home page.

You can upload directly from your hard drive or via the Google+ mobile app and create galleries, or attach pictures to your status updates.

There’s also a handy rotation and editing tool at your disposal. Nude photos will be flagged, we think.

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