C&C Red Alert 3 Commander's Challenge announced
by Steven Williamson
on 17 August 2009, 09:49
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3,
Electronic Arts (NASDAQ:EA),
Xbox 360,
Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qatjo
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The new game will challenge players to take on the world’s toughest commanders and conquer the globe in 50 unique challenges when it is released this Autumn.
Command & Conquer Red Alert 3 Commander’s Challenge throws the player into 50 challenges against a set of nine different commanders, including 16-time world champion “Nature Boy” Ric Flair. Each challenge features its very own over-the-top and distinctive twist, confronting players with everything from giant Soviet war bears and an entire army of psionic Japanese school girls to massive satellite orbital bombardments. As players progress throughout the gauntlet, they gradually unlock more units, technology and new challenges. Additionally, each challenge is equipped with a par time set by the dev team that is up to the most competitive players to beat. Gameplay and will combine a mixture of air, land and sea battles.
Command & Conquer Red Alert 3: Commander’s Challenge will be available on Xbox Live for 800 Microsoft Points and $9.99 (U.K. price not yet set) at the PlayStation Store.