Medal of Honor returns, but ditches World War II setting

by Steven Williamson on 3 December 2009, 08:11

Tags: Medal of Honor, Electronic Arts (NASDAQ:EA), PC, Xbox 360, PS3, FPS

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Medal of Honor returns to the front lines next year, but this time it ditches the World War II theatre in favour of war-torn Afghanistan.

The first person shooter will introduce the Tier 1 Operator: a relatively unknown entity directly under the National Command Authority who takes on missions no one else can handle. The development team has been working closely with Tier 1 Operators from the US Special Operations Community since the earliest stages of development to create an authentic modern war experience. Inspired by real events, Medal of Honor reveals the mission of today’s most elite soldier – his will, his mindset and his uncompromising professionalism.

Medal of Honor is being built with a best-in-class single-player campaign. To compliment the single-player experience, EA Los Angeles has enlisted the multiplayer expertise at EA DICE. This team will develop the multiplayer experience of Medal of Honor.

“EA has always been an advocate for telling the soldiers’ story. The new Medal of Honor follows that tradition. We felt it was important to tell the story of today’s war and today’s elite soldiers via today’s most relevant medium – videogames,” said Sean Decker, VP and General Manager of EALA. “We are so proud to bring together two powerhouse development teams to make this game a reality; EA Los Angeles and EA DICE. Medal of Honor promises to be an unforgettable entry in the modern shooter genre.”

The world-premiere first-look at Medal of Honor will be aired on Spike TV’s 2009 Video Game Awards on Saturday, December 12,

HEXUS Forums :: 16 Comments

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Bandwagon or not, I remember the Medal of Honour games having great single player games in the early days so if they can recreate it well enough I will probably buy it :)
This could go either way. Could be very very good or just as bad quite easily.

Tier 1 operator idea sounds fun. the SAS missions in Modern Warfare(the obvious comparison) were great fun. If they follow a similar path and expand it into a full game, could be lots of fun.
even though the SP was VERY short - MW2 has set the bar for me on Modern day type FPS, it would take something close to phenomenal for me to buy this.
even though the SP was VERY short - MW2 has set the bar for me on Modern day type FPS, it would take something close to phenomenal for me to buy this.

I wouldn't say that in all honesty, they turned the game in to a run and gun, spray and pray single player. Atleast with Modern Warfare 1 you had missions that differed to vehicle missions, sneaking and sniping missions etc. For me the MW2 single player story and mechanics was a step backwards.