Want to pre-order Battlefield 3? Well you’re not the only one…
by Steven Williamson
on 8 September 2011, 10:50
Electronic Arts (NASDAQ:EA),
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“To date we have about 1.25 million pre-orders on Battlefield 3, so it’s still well ahead of its predecessor title, Battlefield: Bad Company 2, in regards to pre-orders in the same number of weeks until launch. So it’s doing very well,” said Brown.
Of course, Brown couldn’t miss out the opportunity to rub it in Call of Duty’s face.
“We have the advantage of a two-and-a-half week early launch window verses our competitor [Call of Duty: MW3], and we intend to use that,” he gloated.
With over a month still to go before the game is released, (25/10/11) it will be interesting to see how many more copies get pre-ordered, and how many copies are sold overall. Will it beat Modern Warfare 2, which sold over 10 million copies in the U.S. alone? Or will it go one better and beat the biggest game of all time: Super Mario Bros on the NES, which sold over a whopping 40 million copies? Unlikely, perhaps, but only time will tell…
Incidentally, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 goes on sale shortly after Battlefield 3 on 11 Novemeber, 2011.
Written by Omar Khan