Halo 2 for Games for Windows Live released tomorrow

by Steven Williamson on 7 June 2007, 10:56

Tags: Halo 2 (Xbox), FPS

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Following the release of Shadowrun last week, the second game to utilise Microsoft's Games for Windows - Live launches tomorrow!

On the 8th June, Microsoft launches Halo 2 for Windows Vista, which will apparently deliver improved graphics, a custom map editor and the chance to earn achievements – a first for the Halo franchise. Using a combination of dedicated servers, flexibility of the Windows platform, and the online innovation established in the Xbox original, Halo 2 for Windows Vista plans to provide a best-in-class PC-to-PC multiplayer experience.

Current members of Xbox LIVE automatically receive the functionality of Games for Windows – LIVE, using the same gamertag and friends list, at no additional cost. In addition, Games for Windows — LIVE introduces the best of Xbox LIVE functionality to please PC gamers, such as integrated in-game multiplayer voice chat and Achievements, as well as functionality demanded by PC gamers like dedicated server support, as part of the free Silver membership. Gold memberships will deliver the premium online network experience which adds benefits such as multiplayer achievements, matchmaking according to skill, reputation and gamerzone, as well as cross-platform gameplay – features only Microsoft’s Games for Windows and Xbox 360 can deliver.

HEXUS Forums :: 20 Comments

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Do we know the min spec for Halo2 yet?

After seeing the min spec for shadowrun (dual Core/2gb RAM/7800 graphics card) I'm not holding my hopes up to being able to run it :(
Do you need vista to be able to use the live features?
To my eyes the launch titles for this games for windows live pish are far from excellent. Shadowrun contains little more than a demo release and now they troll out a two year old xbox game. Bobbins.
I hope this is like the last one - you know - where they claimed the game engine cutting edge and it was the hardware to blame for the mediocre performance. The last one looked like ass, ran like ass and played like ass. With such big shoes to fill my expectations could only be described as:

Well if the multiplayer is as good as the xbox then it will be great with the mouse and keyboard. Only interested in it for the MP, but not sure if I need Vista first for the live stuff.