Jumpgate Evolution back on the radar

by Steven Williamson on 9 April 2009, 13:25

Tags: Jumpgate Evolution, Codemasters, PC, Strategy

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IT seems like an eternity since we first went hands-on with NetDevi's space MMO Jumpgate Evolution, but today it's back on our radar with the release of a developer diary that takes a behind the scenes peak at game’s production.

Narrated by Hermann Peterscheck, Lead Producer at NetDevil, the developer diary introduces you to the world of Jumpgate and explains the inspiration behind the space combat MMO and the vision the team have for the game. He goes on to discuss the differences in the game’s three playable nations - the Solrain, the Quantar and the Octavious - and what players can expect from the nation they choose to ally with. The accessibility of the Jumpgate Universe from the moment players enter the game and the solo and group experiences they can have is also demonstrated and discussed.

The second part in the making of Jumpgate Evolution series will be lead by Jumpgate Evolution’s Art Director Darren Klein and will delve into the game’s art direction. Look out for the video soon.

To view or download the video, jump over to www.jumpgateevolution.com

Check out our hand-ons preview , or read the interview with NetDevil President Scott Brown .

HEXUS Forums :: 5 Comments

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Serious? Some thinks that can make a deepspace MMO when we already have EVE?
I know some people working on this and they are aiming to go in a very different to direction to EvE.

If it does is anyones guess though :D
I think its more like a mmo flight sim in space.
Yes, I had been following this for a while - it's meant to be much more about your control of the ship, dogfighting etc. which in Eve felt a bit like a roleplaying game rolling dice and using character skills.
I look forward to trying it out, but i we cannot forget Auto Assault, its lack of popularity and its death.